army sucks
title says it all!

just came back from one week of mission and before we even settle the stuff for the week, next week's ops poses hell lot of stress on us. then there's unfinished businesses from this week. i think i can say goodbye to civilisation for this christmas. arghhhh what the fuck!

hating army more and more. it just creates unnecessary problems for everyone.

one garing example is 'standardisation'. why the fuck must everything be standardised? not like when we go for war it's gonna help right. the sole purpose of standardisation is to build discipline. and this type of discipline is retarded and there's no use for it in a war. it's just there so intructors can find more fault with NSFs like us and then punish us redundantly to feed their egos.

cant wait to ord. actually ord isnt good enough. i wanna quickly finish reservice too!
Posted on Saturday, December 18, 2010 / Posted at 1:38 AM

arghhh no more block leave!
i cant believe one week is gonna be over real soon. it's friday already! then saturday, then sunday. i have to book in on sunday night! rahhhhhh!

how come one week at outfield is such a drag but one week of leave is so speedy!? not fair. see saturday and sunday passed rather quickly. then fatgirl came back on monday and i met her on tuesday! woooohooo. and tuesday night i had to book in cos i had guard duty on wednesday. so whole of wednesday was spent doing guard duty which is something really stupid. duty ended on thursday morning so thursday is more or less wasted too. wtf sia.

tmr going to meet fatgirl ad have lots of fun! gonna eat a lot.

ahhhh one-week outfield exercise right after block leave. how could this happen to me!!
and, i have THREE EXTRA DUTIES just because i fucking forgot to lock my cupboard. what has SAF become. there's nothing important or valuable in my cupboard so it's stupid that i lock it and then unlock it whenever i need something. you don't see the hassle? ok, keylocks are already troublesome enough but ours are the stupid umber-locks where you have to keep turning the knob to and fro. opening the lock takes and average of ten seconds which is a reaaaal BIG deal for me (and perhaps many of my friends too). and one small error and you have to re-do the whole combination again! what a stupid design. might as well give each and everyone a fingerprint-recognising lock. or iris-scanner lock. save all the time.

and these three extra duties came at the season to be jolly :( i hope i get to celebrate xmas. i dont care new year or whatever fuck. christmas is more important than new year. there's santa for xmas.
what do you think? you think there's another old man for new year? nooooooo the old man's booked for chinese new year as cai shen ye!

there's snow during xmas! and no snow during new year. or is there? i dont care there's no snow in fucking singapore! dont take offense, i love singapore. i'm protecting it! woooohoooo!
Posted on Friday, December 10, 2010 / Posted at 12:14 AM

hihi i'm back!
ahhhhhh i havent been blogging for ages!

life's been pretty mundane these days. commando life is all about staying in camp for 5 freaking long days a week. and training. and more training. but it's BLOCK LEAVE NOWWWW! till the 11th of dec. but, i have guard duty on wednesday :(

fatgirl's in hongkong now. rahhh cant spend my leave with her.

i think i'll try to blog once every week since i rarely get to use the internet since i'm isolated from the world 5 days a week :(
it's soooo depressing!
Posted on Sunday, December 05, 2010 / Posted at 12:33 AM